Command on Demand


Command On DemandTM failed to install. Before you try to reinstall, you must remove all of the Command On Demand files.

To remove the Command On Demand files, follow these steps:

If you are using Microsoft® Internet Explorer:

  1. On the Windows® installation drive, locate the CSSCOD folder.
  2. Delete this folder.

    NOTE:  If you cannot delete this folder, some of the files may be in use.
    Close all Microsoft® Office 2000 programs and all sessions of Microsoft
    Internet Explorer. Then, delete the folder.

  3. Open Internet Explorer.
  4. On the menu bar, click View or Tools. The system displays a drop-down menu.
  5. Click Internet Options. The system displays the Internet Options dialog box.
  6. Under Temporary Internet files, click the Settings button. The system displays the Settings dialog box.
  7. Under Temporary Internet files folder, click the View Objects button. The system displays the Download Program Files page.
  8. In the Program File window, locate the CSS Web Installer Class.
  9. Using the right mouse button (right-click), click the file. The system displays a
    drop-down menu.
  10. Click Remove to delete the file.

If you are using Netscape® Communicator:

  1. On the Windows® installation drive, locate the CSSCOD folder.
  2. Delete this folder.

    NOTE:  If you cannot delete this folder, some of the files may be in use.
    Close all sessions of your browser that contain the Command On Demand
    graphical user interface (GUI) and all Microsoft® Office 2000 programs.
    Then, delete the folder.

  3. On the Windows® installation drive, locate the Program Files folder, and click the plus sign (+) to the right of the folder.
  4. Locate the Netscape folder, and click the plus sign (+) to the right of the folder.
  5. Locate the Communicator folder, and click the plus sign (+) to the right of the folder.
  6. Locate the Program folder, and click the plus sign (+) to the right of the folder.
  7. Locate and double-click the Plugins folder.
  8. Locate and delete the following files:

    NOTE:  To delete a file, using the right mouse button (right-click),
    click the file. The system displays a drop-down menu. Click Remove.

If you are using Netscape 6:   The path to the files is Program Files/Netscape/Netscape 6/Plugins.

After you remove all of the Command On Demand files, double-click the Command On Demand icon on your desktop to continue with the installation.

NOTE:  If you do not have a Command On Demand icon, click the following URL:

For additional troubleshooting information, visit our web site at:

*It is advised that you print this page for reference.

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