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Jupiter Gateway Appliance

Certified by ICSA & CheckMark, and a multiple Virus Bulletin 100% award-winner, Authentium's Command Antivirus is the choice of IT departments in Fortune 500 companies, leading educational institutions, and government agencies around the world.  Need a custom AV solution?  We have field-tested OEM solutions available.

Introducing Authentium GALILEO - powerful central administration, configuration, deployment, and reporting for Command Antivirus (requires Active Directory).  Free download

  Desktop AV Email Protection Server AV  


> Microsoft 95/98/ME
> Microsoft NT/2000/XP
> Linux Desktop
> Macintosh OS-X
> Sun Solaris
> Microsoft Exchange
> ClearSwift
> Gordano NT Mail
> Gwava for Groupwise
> Novell NetMail
> SendMail
> Microsoft NT/2k/2003
> Free BSD/Suse Linux
> Novell Netware

> SeaChange NT/2003
> Unix
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Breaking news:  Comcast begins rollout of Authentium ESP to 5 million subscribers...          Authentium and SeaChange International, the leading distributor of video servers worldwide, target 10,000 video servers with new antivirus product...          Authentium Command Antivirus's wins another Virus Bulletin award...          Authentium and AIG, America's largest insurance company, partner to protect consumers against ID Fraud and damage from hackers...

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