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Frankenstein - Virus Details


Aliases: Frank, Sblank
Size: 2048 bytes
Frequency: 1

  • Infects MBR
  • Infects diskette boot record
  • Memory resident
  • Full stealth
  • Encrypted (code and data)
  • Contains clear text string or message
  • Has triggered warhead / payload that causes damage
  • Makes MBR inaccessible
    (Txt) "frankenstein's Magic v1.00a (C) Copyright 1992, Megatrends 2000 Corp. The Johan family", and a long "History" of the virus. Overwrites random disk sectors. Triggered by internal counter. The virus zeroes out the partition table in the MBR and stores the original MBR encrypted. The infected drive will be invisible to DOS if the system is booted from an uninfected floppy. Using fdisk /mbr will render the drive unbootable.
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