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Helloween.1376.A - Virus Details


Aliases: 1376
Size: 1376 bytes
Frequency: 1

  • Infects COM files
  • Infects EXE files
  • Memory resident
  • Encrypted (code and data)
  • Displays message
  • Contains clear text string or message
  • Avoids AV product(s)
    "Nesedte porad u pocitace a zkuste jednou delat neco rozumneho", "!! Poslouchejte HELLOWEEN - nejlepsi metalovou skupinu !!" (The message is Czech, Helloween is a heavy metal group.) Triggered on November 1. The message is displayed white on red. The system is then (sometimes) rebooted. A series of uppercase, four-letter, text strings representing several antivirus programs. Avoids infecting programs that begin with any of the text strings.
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