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Jerusalem.1808.Standard - Virus Details


Aliases: 1808, 1813
Size: 1808 bytes
Frequency: 8

  • Infects COM files
  • Infects EXE files
  • Memory resident
  • Displays visual effects (other than message)
  • Contains clear text string or message
  • Has triggered warhead / payload that causes damage
  • Avoids COMMAND.COM
  • Has design flaw that corrupts data
    "sUMsDos" and "COMMAND.COM". Multiply infects EXE programs, which may become too large to "fit in memory". Destroys EXE programs with an actual size larger than that reported in the EXE header (Including Windows programs). Slows system down and creates a small black rectangle on the screen after the virus is active for 30 minutes. On Friday the 13th, programs are deleted when an attempt is made to execute them.
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