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Maltese_Amoeba - Virus Details


Aliases: Grain of Sand
Size: 2367 bytes
Frequency: 1

  • Infects COM files
  • Infects EXE files
  • Memory resident
  • Encrypted (code and data)
  • Polymorphic
  • Displays visual effects (other than message)
  • Contains encrypted text
  • Has triggered warhead / payload that causes damage
    Infinite loop flashes screen after warhead routine. "To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wildflower Hold in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour." (From William Blake's "Auguries of Innocence") Displayed on next bootup after the warhead has triggered. "AMOEBA virus by the Hacker Twins (C) 1991" and an inflamatory message about the University of Malta. The first 30 tracks on head 0 of the first hard disk are overwritten. Triggers on November 1 and March 15.
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