With the ISP and Portal market facing heightened competition, the need to differentiate oneself becomes paramount. Additionally, advertising revenue is an important factor to the success of the ISP/Portal site. Even subscription-based sites derive significant revenue from the targeted advertising offered to their members. Determining which site will gain valuable advertising dollars is based in large part upon what is often referred to as stickiness. Command on Demand provides a means to offer a unique service to help attract visitors to the site, and the very nature of the service achieves the desired stickiness.
What constitutes stickiness?
Unique visitors to a site are a measure of how effective outside marketing efforts have been. However, simply because a person visits a site does not mean the site is sticky. Rather, stickiness refers to the amount of time the visitor spends on the site and the number of repeat visits by that customer. In other words, it's not how many people walk through the door of your store, but how long they stay and whether they return.
What about banners?
Advertisers are continually looking for new medium to expand their market presence and messaging. Traditional print, TV and Radio advertising has dramatically expanded into the Internet. Millions of businesses, students and consumers use the web everyday in search of content, commerce, and community. In the process, web site banner advertising has become as commonplace as TV and print advertising. Unfortunately, banners are so ubiquitous that many web users have become numb to them or mentally filter them out.
How can Command on Demand help achieve my goals?
Most users are fully aware of the threats posed by computer viruses and other malicious code. Almost daily, an article appears somewhere warning about the latest threat or discussing the rising numbers of viruses found in-the-wild. Providing a free, best-of-class anti-virus scanner, with proven detection of even previously unknown viruses, requiring no configuration and no updating, is a service guaranteed to entice users. These users will not only stay on the site to have the scan performed (more on those benefits later), they will also likely return again and again - whether or not they have traditional anti-virus product installed on their system. The fact is, everyone likes a second opinion! The increased stays on your site and repeat visits will help entice even the most reluctant advertiser!
What about those other benefits mentioned?
We saved the best for last. Command on Demand is a totally scalable solution. This means you have full design control of the html space around the scanner, making Command on Demand the perfect new vehicle to provide an extremely valuable advertising mechanism. The typical virus scan may take several minutes, depending on the number of files the user targets to scan. Most users will wait and watch the scan in action. This is the perfect time to present useful and interesting marketing messages, promotions and advertisements!
Partner Opportunities
If you are a developer or integrator interested in taking advantage of Command's open partnership program, visit our Partners Solution Center for full details on partnering with Command Software Systems, Inc.