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CSS Central
CSS Central is an administrative tool for distributing, updating
and modifying Command AntiVirus (CSAV) from one location. CSS Central 
can administer CSAV for Windows(r) NT(r)/2000, CSAV for Windows NT, 
and CSAV for Windows 95/98/Me. Centralized administration through 
CSS Central results in improved efficiency and productivity for 
your enterprise.
After a default installation, the files are located in
Program Files\Command Software\CSS Central. The name of the 
executable file for CSS Central is CCENTRAL.EXE. The communication 
services are located on the computer running CSS Central. 
CSS Central can be run on Windows 2000 server and workstation, 
Windows NT server and workstation version 4.0 and above, Windows 95, 
Windows 98, and Windows Me. 
NOTE:  You cannot install CSS Central on versions of Windows NT prior 
to 4.0. However, servers and workstations running Windows NT 3.51 and 
Windows 3.11 can be administered.
NT workstation has a limitation of 10 inbound connections that can 
occur simultaneously (for more details see Article ID:Q122920 in the 
Microsoft(r) Knowledge Base). As CSS Central operates primarily on 
outbound connections, this should not be an issue if run from a 
workstation. However, depending upon your configuration, CSS Central 
may experience problems connecting to NT workstations if the limit is 
For scheduled downloads to occur, the Windows Task Scheduler MUST be 
installed. This service comes with Microsoft(r) Internet Explorer 4.0 
and higher. As Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows 2000 come with 
Internet Explorer, these versions also come with the Task Scheduler 
preinstalled. For Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, you must install 
Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher separately.
Please read the Multi-Platform Quick Start Guide that is included with 
the installation files. It provides installation instructions and an 
overview of Command AntiVirus for all platforms. 
The MQCKST.PDF file contains the Multi-Platform Quick Start Guide. This 
file can be read with the Adobe(r) Acrobat(r) Reader that is included 
on the Command AntiVirus CD. For instructions on how to install 
Acrobat Reader, see the README.TXT file that is located in the ADOBE 
folder on the CD.
Acrobat Reader is not included with the downloadable versions of 
Command AntiVirus. You can download Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems 
Incorporated through our web site at
A Release Notes section is provided for each release. It contains the 
following topics:
*  Special Notes - contains important pre- and post-installation 
   information that pertains to the release.
*  Product Enhancements - contains information about new virus
   signatures, scan engine improvements, and new features.
*  Fixes - contains updated information on previously reported
   problems that have been fixed.  
Notes on CSS Central Version 1.10.1
*  None for this release.
*  None for this release 
*  Some users reported that the Microsoft(r) Windows(r) Installer 
   (MSI.EXE) was not automatically installing when they used SETUP.EXE 
   to install CSS Central. This has been fixed.
Notes on CSS Central Version 1.10
*  None for this release.
*  None for this release 
*  When downloading from an HTTP site, users received a SUCCESSFUL 
   download message when the download failed and a FAILURE 
   download message when the download was successful. This has 
   been fixed.
*  The problem of not being able to deploy files from the STAGING 
   the path name of the STAGING DIRECTORY contains spaces has been 
Notes on CSS Central Version 1.09
*  New CCENTRAL.MSI installation instructions for a complete installation 
   of the CSS Central files.
   NOTE:  As the CSS Central files install to the Program Files folder,
          you MUST have administrative privileges to install CSS 
          Central on Microsoft(r) Windows(r) NT and Windows 2000.
   NOTE:  As the CSSFTP.INI file is now stored in the All Users/Application 
          Data profile folder, you MUST have administrative privileges to
          install and customize this file on Microsoft(r) Windows(r) NT 
          and Windows 2000. 
   NOTE:  For machines that do not have the Windows Installer, 
          a SETUP.EXE is provided. It installs the Windows Installer 
          and then launches the CCENTRAL.MSI. 
          For Windows NT, you MUST have administrative privileges to
          install the Windows Installer. 
          After installing the Windows Installer, the user may need to
          restart the computer. After, the computer restarts, Setup
   NOTE:  The default installation now includes only the IP components
          subfeature. If you are using SPX protocol, you need to customize 
          the installation.
          As we recommend that you select only ONE Communication System
          subfeature, cancel the IP components subfeature selection and 
          select the SPX components subfeature.
          If you have already installed CSS Central, you can add or remove features,
          through the installation program’s Add/Remove Application dialog box.
          For more information, refer to the last item (*) in this SPECIAL NOTES
   NOTE:  The new installation program uninstalls a previous version of 
          CSS Central and gives you the option to keep your old settings. If you 
          want to uninstall a previous version of CSS Central prior to the 
          installation, you need to:
          1.  Save your CSSFTP.INI file to preserve your settings
          2.  Install CSS Central Version 1.09
          3.  Copy your old CSSFTP.INI file to the following location:
              WINNT\Profiles\All Users\Application Data\Command Software\CSS Central
   To install CSS Central, follow these steps:
   1.  Insert the CD-ROM.
   2.  Click the Start button on the Windows task bar.
   3.  Click Run.
   4.  Click Browse to search the CD for the CCENTRAL folder.
   5.  Open that folder.
   6.  In the File of type drop-down, select All Files.
   7.  To run the setup program in Windows 2000:  
       Double-click CCENTRAL.MSI. 
       To run the setup program in Windows 95/98/ME and Windows NT:  
       Double-click SETUP.EXE       
       The system returns to the Run dialog box.
   8.  Click OK. The system displays the Welcome dialog box.
   9.  Click Next. The system displays the License Agreement.
  10.  To accept the license agreement, select I accept the License 
       Agreement and click Next. 
       NOTE:  If you have an old version of CSS Central installed, the
              system displays the Old CSS Central Found dialog box. In this 
              dialog box, you can select to uninstall and keep your old 
              settings or to uninstall and NOT keep your old settings. 
              Make your selection and click Next.              
       The system displays the Select Features dialog box.	
  11.  To install all of the CSS Central files, click Next. The system 
       displays the Select Ports dialog box.
       NOTE:  The default installation includes only the IP components 
              subfeature. If you are using SPX protocol, you need to customize 
              the installation.
              As we recommend that you select only ONE Communication 
              System subfeature, cancel the IP components subfeature selection 
              and select the SPX components subfeature.
  12.  If you do not want to change the IP Port and SPX Port numbers,
       go to Step 13. The defaults are:
                   TCP/IP       2412
                   IPX          34258
       If you do want to change the IP Port and SPX Port numbers, select 
       the number that you want to change and type in the new number.
       NOTE:  The installation program accepts only decimal values.
       NOTE:  If you change the port numbers in this dialog box, you 
              should also change them when you install the same components
              in Command AntiVirus.
  13.  Click Next. 
       NOTE:  If you selected to uninstall an old version of CSS Central, the
              system starts the uninstall and displays the Remove Programs From Your 
              Computer dialog box. When the uninstall is complete, click OK to exit
              this dialog box.
       The system displays the Updating Your System dialog box. 
       Please wait while the program copies the CSS Central files to your 
       NOTE:  You can click Cancel, Exit Setup and then OK to cancel the 
              installation and exit the setup program. 
       When the copying is complete, the system displays a dialog box 
       informing you that CSS Central has been successfully installed.
  14.  Click Finish to exit. 
*  After you have installed CSS Central, you can add or remove features,
   remove CSS Central, select reinstallation mode options, and reinstall 
   CSS Central through the installation program’s Add/Remove Application 
   dialog box.
   NOTE:  In Windows 2000, you can also remove CSS Central by clicking 
          the Remove button in the Windows 2000 Add/Remove Programs 
          dialog box.
   To start the installation program, follow these steps:
   1.  Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.
   2.  Select Settings.
   3.  Click Control Panel.
   4.  Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The system displays the Add/Remove 
       Programs dialog box.
   5.  Select CSS Central from the list of currently installed programs.
   6.  In Windows 2000, click the Change button. 
       In Windows 9x and Windows NT, click the Add/Remove button. 
       The system displays the CSS Central installation program’s  
       Application Maintenance dialog box.
       This dialog box contains the following operations:
       -  Modify - allows you to add or remove features or subfeatures.      
       -  Repair - allows you to reinstall missing or corrupt files,  
          registry keys, and shortcuts. Preferences stored in the  
          registry may be reset to default values.  
       -  Remove - allows you to remove Command AntiVirus completely.     
   7.  Click the button of the operation that you want to perform. For 
       example, to remove CSS Central completely, click Remove. Then, 
       follow the instructions in the dialog boxes. 
*  The new CSS Central installation is in a Microsoft Installer (.MSI)
   package format. For machines that do not have the Windows Installer, 
   a SETUP.EXE is provided. It installs the Windows Installer and then 
   launches the CCENTRAL.MSI. 
   NOTE:  For Windows NT, you MUST have administrative privileges to
          install the Windows Installer. 
          After installing the Windows Installer, the user may need to
          restart the computer. After, the computer restarts, Setup
   The product's program files are uncompressed in their corresponding 
   subdirectories and are included along with the MSI file. 
   Use the Windows 2000 Add/Remove Programs applet, MSIEXEC.EXE, 
   or Group Policy Editor to install, reinstall, update, or remove 
   this installation package. 
   NOTE: An MSI file cannot be chosen from the Add/Remove Programs 
   applet on Windows 9x and Windows NT 4.0 computers.
*  The CSS Central installation is only offered in a stand-alone version. 
   It is not tied into the Command AntiVirus server installation as it 
   was in previous versions.
*  You no longer need to install Command AntiVirus on the same machine 
   as CSS Central.
*  Command AntiVirus' F-AGENT is no longer used for scheduled downloads.
   The Windows Task Scheduler is used instead.
*  The CSS Central file called CCENTRAL.INI no longer exists. You can 
   still customize your IP and SPX ports by specifying them when installing 
   the MSI. The installation program now allows you to change these values 
   during the installation process. You can also use the Windows MSIEXEC 
   program to install the MSI file and specify the ports. For example, at 
   the command line, type the following:
              msiexec /i ccentral.msi IPPORT=2499 SPXPORT=36000
*  The UPDATE menu has been renamed to AUTOMATIC UPDATE. This menu has been 
   reorganized to more clearly reflect the actions that can be taken at the 
   different stages of the download and deployment processes. For example,
   the START UPDATE menu item has been renamed to BROADCAST UPDATES.
   The SCHEDULED DOWNLOADS menu item, formerly CONFIGURE PLATFORMS, now contains 
   two separate dialog boxes for scheduling a download and downloading now. 
   They are the SCHEDULE dialog box and the IMMEDIATE dialog box.
   MANAGEMENT, now contains two separate dialog boxes for deploying and  
   and managing the downloaded files. They are the DOWNLOADED FILES 
   dialog box and the DEPLOYED FILES dialog box.
   The DEPLOYED FILES dialog box provides a status of the deployed files and
   allows you to edit the .INI file. This function now allows users of the 
   CSAV for Windows NT/2000 platform to edit the SETUP.INI file.
*  A new Proxy settings tab has been added to the AUTOMATIC UPDATE CONFIGURE 
   DOWNLOADS dialog box. The Proxy settings dialog box allows you to specify 
   proxy server settings. 
   You can also select the use of passive or active FTP connections. If you 
   do not specify a selection, both passive and active connections are tried.
*  The FTP/HTTP download DLLs have been rewritten (same ones as in CSAV/2000). 
   These DLLs are more reliable and offer more options for proxy servers.
*  The REMOTE INSTALLATION|SEND INSTALL TO menu item has been renamed to 
*  The FILE|RE-WRITE REMOTE CONFIGURATION menu item has been renamed to 
*  The FILE|WRITE MODIFIED REMOTE CONFIGURATION menu item has been renamed 
*  The Windows 2000 server and workstation platforms have been added to 
   identified as follows:
                MSI for Win servers
                MSI for Win workstations
*  None for this release. 
Notes on CSS Central version 1.08
The retrieval of downloaded CSAV files to be deployed has been 
enhanced. If the BaseDir key in the CSSFILES.INI file already
exists, CSS Central will attempt to use the directory path that
is specified. However, if the BaseDir key does not exist, 
CSS Central will no longer create one. 
If the subdirectory specified by the BaseDir key in the previous 
CSSFILES.INI file exists, the files are deployed to that location. 
If it does not exist, CSS Central creates and uses the 
following hard-coded platform-based directories:
          CSAV for Windows(r) NT(r) Server 3.51          0000
          CSAV for Windows NT Workstation 3.51           0100
          CSAV for Windows NT Server 4.0                 0200
          CSAV for Windows NT Workstation 4.0            0300
          CSAV for Windows 3x                            0400
          CSAV for Windows 95                            0500
CSS Central also creates separate subdirectories for the virus 
definition files, the update component files, and the full-product 
update. The definition files subdirectory ends in .0, the component 
files subdirectory ends in .1, and the full-product subdirectory ends
in .2. The file names are generated randomly by CSS Central. 
The following is an example of the path names to the automatic update 
directory and its program-generated subdirectories for a full-product 
update of CSAV for Windows 95:
Some customers reported that the Automatic Update directory and 
the Staging directory were not being created after the paths to 
those directories were typed into the Configure FTP dialog box. 
This has been fixed.
Difficulties encountered with dragging and dropping computer and domain 
names into CSS Neighborhood on Windows 9x computers have been fixed.
The automatic update feature now updates the CSSFTP.EXE and F-AGENT.EXE
Scheduled FTP Downloads of Signature File Updates are now automatically
deployed. The Automatic Deployment check box in the Configure Platforms
dialog box is selected by default. The option is grayed out and cannot
be cleared.
Notes on CSS Central version 1.07.2
Two improvements have been made to CSS-AMGR.EXE:
   1. An option has been added to make it easier to select only the 
      current computer for account changes. This is the option's
      default choice.
   2. A "-q" command line switch is now available. This switch 
      allows CSS-AMGR to be used in a batch process. When the switch 
      is used, the CSS-AMGR user interface is NOT displayed and the 
      CSSAGENT account type is created on the current computer only.   
Two log file-related issues have been corrected:
   1. When CSS Central unsuccessfully attempted to download an 
      update file, the Windows Internet services (WININET) recorded
      a "Cannot create a file when that file already exists" message
      in the download log file. This message was produced even if 
      the file did NOT exist on the local machine. The message, however,
      was actually being produced by invalid URLs that were entered 
      for the download site. CSS Central now traps the WININET-produced 
      message and substitutes a more accurate one informing the user
      that an invalid URL was used in the download attempt.
   2. The download log file did not provide date stamps for downloaded 
      files. These stamps are now included in the log file.
In the Configure FTP dialog box, the program would not display the 
default information in the IP Address and Product Directory text fields.
This has been fixed. 
Some deployments through CSS Central produced a "Please wait" 
message followed by a system halt. As a result, only some of the 
downloaded files were successfully copied into the Automatic Update 
directory. This has been fixed.
   NOTE: To avoid complications, we strongly recommend that the 
         Staging directory reside on the local machine.
When performing a manual download, the downloaded files were copied to 
subdirectories beneath the Staging directory. However, scheduled 
downloads copied files directly into the Staging directory. This has 
been fixed. Now, both manual and scheduled downloads copy files into 
the appropriate subdirectories beneath the Staging directory.
None for this release.
Notes on CSS Central version 1.07.1
None for this release.
Scheduled downloads did not create the new staging directory structure
that matched those created by manual downloads. This has been fixed.
File deployment now involves a two-step process. First, files are
extracted to a temporary directory. Second, the extracted files 
are then moved to the Automatic Update Directory. This change was made
because of a limitation in some self-extractors working across NT servers. 
None for this release.
Notes on CSS Central version 1.07
Update files can now be downloaded from HTTP addresses as well as 
from FTP addresses.
The CSS Central staging directory can now be used as a directory 
path for the new Update Deffiles button in the CSAV Win32 clients.
If the CSS Central staging directory is used, CSS Central 
automatically creates the update directory structure. For more
information, see the Update Definition Files Update Button
section of the Network Administration chapter in the 
Multi-Platform Quick Start Guide. 
During the deployment of a full product update of CSAV, the 
SETUP.INI file would not retain its customized settings. This has 
been fixed.
Closing a database's view window (for example, a Preferences, 
a Settings List or an Items List window) caused sporadic general 
protection faults. This has been fixed.
To avoid multiple dial ups when checking the Internet connection 
status, CSS Central now performs a dialing check before any 
Internet sites are contacted. 
In the CSSFTP.INI file, the IP Address key is no longer necessary
as ProductDir can now use complete site paths. ProductDir 
can use the FILE://, FTP://, HTTP:// or HTTPS:// URL schemes.
For example:
If a URL scheme is not specified in ProductDir, the product uses 
the FTP scheme by default.
Notes on CSS Central version 1.04 SP2
CSS Central has improved support for the backup of configuration
databases. If CSS Central ever fails to load the .CCA database 
because of a power outage or other corruption, you can copy over 
the backup database (.BAK extension) and restart CSS Central.
When deleting files via the Update File Management dialog, the
files were not removed from the staging directory.
Sometimes scheduled downloads failed to retrieve the latest
version due to a caching issue. Now the cache is cleared prior
to every download attempt.
Notes on CSS Central version 1.04
CSS Central is Year 2000-compliant. For more information regarding 
the functionality of Command Software products with regard to the 
Year 2000 issue, visit our web site at:
The server-to-workstation communications subsystem has been 
updated. As a result, the CCENTRAL.INI file now contains a section 
called [PROTOCOLS]. You can use the keys in that section to:
	Install the TCP/IP agent
	Install the IPX/SPX agent	
	Change the default IP port
	Change the default SPX port	
Also, the default IP port has been changed from 2411 to 2412. 
The default SPX port remains 34258. 
WINTDIST.EXE and WINT351.EXE are now provided with CSS Central.
WINTDIST.EXE is used by Windows NT 4+. WINT351.EXE is used by 
Windows NT 3.51. These files are Windows Internet (WinInet) API
system files that provide better FTP functionality. The proper
files for your platform are automatically installed by CSS Central.
These files also automatically hang-up the connection 
established by scheduled FTP downloads made through CSS Central.
The WinInet files also provide CSAV with better error reporting. 
None for this release.
If you are updating CSS Central by reinstalling over an existing 
version and you want to retain your existing CSS Central 
information, back up the CSS Central database files prior to 
performing the reinstallation. These files use a .CCA extension, 
and by default, they are located in the CSS Central program 
directory. After the reinstallation, copy the .CCA files back to 
your CSS Central program directory.
If you choose to uninstall CSS Central and perform a clean 
installation and you want to retain your existing CSS Central 
information, back up the CSS Central database files prior to the 
uninstall. These files use a .CCA extension, and by default, they
are located in the CSS Central program directory. We also suggest 
that you back up the following two files:
        CSSFTP.INI   -- Contains the CSS Central FTP connection 
        CSSDWNLD.LOG -- Contains the record of the update files 
                        downloaded by CSS Central.
After the installation is completed, copy the .CCA files, the 
CSSFTP.INI file, and the CSSDWNLD.LOG file back into the CSS Central 
program directory.
The Automatic Deployment feature works only with files that
are downloaded through a scheduled download. The Automatic
Deployment feature will not deploy files that were downloaded
via the Download Now button.
To provide flexible multi-language support, the following
files are now included in the product:
	FPROTLNG.DLL -- the language file for F-PROT
	FAGENLNG.DLL -- the language file for F-AGENT
	CCENTLNG.DLL -- a CSS Central-specific language file
	OLEAUT32.DLL -- provides OLE Automation support
	WINTDIST.EXE -- WinInet (Windows Internet API) system 
			files in a self-extracting format
Notes on CSS Central
If a leading forward slash is left out of the Configure FTP dialog's
Product Directory edit control, CSS Central will add the forward
slash automatically. This addresses failed downloads due to a missing
leading forward slash in the FTP path name.
A problem involving the  use of CSS Central product under Windows 95
has been fixed. The situation involved downloaded files being 
deployed to the BASEDIR folder rather than to a sub-folder of 
BASEDIR. The downloaded files now deploy to the proper folder.
Note that this problem was specific to Windows 95: it did not 
occur when using CSS Central under Windows NT.
If you are deploying Command AntiVirus version 4.52 via CSS Central,
we recommend that you first update to the latest version of CSS
Central. This will assure a smooth deployment process.
Two additional files accompany the installation - NTLDR.BAT and
NWLDR.BAT. They provide examples of how to automatically install
CSAV via a login script. NTLDR.BAT is for use with NT servers and
NWLDR.BAT for NetWare servers. These example script files are for
use by the 95/NT platforms.
The environment variables CSAVDIR and AUDDIR must be set to 
correctly specify (1) the path in which CSAV is installed and 
(2) the path to your auto-update directory containing _LOADER.EXE.
Please note that _LOADER.EXE must be copied manually from the 
CSS Central directory to the Automatic Update directory. 
Notes on CSS Central
When adding remote computers or workgroups to your system, the remote
computer(s) may be identified by name or by IP address.
CSS Central cannot deploy full product updates to computers that were
installed via a shared installation (setup netadmin).
NT installations require local administrator rights.  If your users do
not have these rights and you have not set the service account in CSS
Central, the loader program will fail when attempting to start setup.
If you are planning to use CSS-AMGR to establish a restricted account
for use as the service account, please ensure that it is run prior to
any attempts to execute the loader program to avoid installation
The cssftp.ini and the cssdwnld.log are deleted when CSAV is
uninstalled.  For CSS Central to continue to operate correctly on
this machine, you must re-enter the ftp info and download the files
again. This will be fixed in a future release.
Command Software Systems has greatly expanded its technical support to
include a variety of electronic services. You may contact us at any one
of the following:
Command Software Systems, Inc.
1061 E. Indiantown Rd., Suite 500
Jupiter, FL  33477
   Voice: 561-575-3200 8:00 am to 8:00 PM EST.
     Fax: 561-575-3026
     Internet e-mail: [email protected]
     World Wide Web:
In Europe contact:
Command Software Systems, Inc.
European Headquarters
Ground Floor
Millbank Tower
London SW1P 4QP
If dialing from within the UK:
   Voice: 020 7 931-9301
     FAX: 020 7 931-9302 
If dialing from outside the UK:
   Voice: +44 20 7 931-9301
     FAX: +44 20 7 931-9302
Internet: [email protected]
          [email protected]
          [email protected] 

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