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README FIRST! Command AntiVirus for NetWare

Command AntiVirus for NetWare(r)
Command Software is proud to introduce Command AntiVirus 
Version 4.80g with HoloCheck(tm) scanning technology. 
HoloCheck scanning technology detects tens of thousands of 
viruses and includes improved polymorphic virus detection.
NOTE:  After installing Command AntiVirus, we highly recommend 
that you update your virus definition files and then perform a 
manual scan of the server from a workstation to ensure that 
your system is virus-free. This is especially important if you 
have not been running anti-virus software prior to this installation.
For a list of international distributors of Command AntiVirus (CSAV),
see the DISTRIB.TXT file.
The file called FILEINFO.TXT is a list of file descriptions and files
that have changed since the previous release.
Please read the Multi-Platform Quick Start Guide. It provides 
installation instructions and an overview of Command AntiVirus for 
all platforms. The Multi-Platform Quick Start Guide is included
on the Command AntiVirus CD, or you can download it from our 
web site at
The MQCKST.PDF file contains the Multi-Platform Quick Start Guide.
This file can be read with the Adobe(r) Acrobat(r) Reader that is
included on the Command AntiVirus CD. For instructions on how to 
install Acrobat Reader, see the README.TXT file that is located 
in the ADOBE folder on the CD.
If you do not have the Command AntiVirus CD, you can download 
Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems Incorporated through our web 
site at
A Release Notes section is provided for each release. It contains 
the following topics:
*  Special Notes - contains important pre- and post-installation 
   information that pertains to the release.
*  Product Enhancements - contains information about new virus
   signatures, scan engine improvements, and new features.
*  Fixes - contains updated information on previously reported
   problems that have been fixed. 
For a more complete history of readme information, you can 
download the NETARCHI.TXT file from our web site at  
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.80g
13 June 2003
*  FPNAdmin does NOT work with NetWare 6.0 or NetWare 5.1 
   with Service Pack 4 or later servers as the primary server in the 
   FPNAdmin domain. FPNAdmin locks up, and you must end the task program.
   If these are the only servers available, we recommend that you
   use FPNCon, F-Prot.Ini, or CSAV-RMA to administer the program. 
*  On NetWare 5.x servers, to run SETUP.NLM, you MUST have NWSNUT.NLM 
*  On NetWare 5.1 servers, to run CSAVHTTP, you MUST have Novell(r)
   Servlet Gateway initialized.
*  If you receive a -1 error when Setup tries to generate the Server List, 
   install CSAV from another Windows(r) machine, or use SETUP.NLM. FPNADMIN
   works even if you receive the -1 error.
*  Before you uninstall Command AntiVirus for NetWare, make sure that all 
   manual and scheduled scans on the server have stopped. If you try to 
   uninstall while a scan is running, a "memory overflow" error occurs and 
   the server locks. 
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  Command AntiVirus for NetWare now saves long file names in
   F-PROT.HST. In previous versions, file names longer than 8.3 
   characters are truncated. 
*  When you select RENAME as the action to take when a virus
   is found, Command AntiVirus for NetWare now renames the
   infected file to FILENAME.EXT.INFECTED.
*  A customer reported a server abend that was caused by a 
   conflict of files. This has been fixed.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.80e
14 May 2003
*  FPNAdmin does NOT work with NetWare 6.0 or NetWare 5.1 
   with Service Pack 4 servers as the primary server in the FPNAdmin
   domain. FPNAdmin locks up, and you must end the task program.
   If these are the only servers available, we recommend that
   you use FPNCon, F-Prot.Ini, or CSAV-RMA to administer the program. 
*  On NetWare 5.x servers, to run SETUP.NLM, you MUST have NWSNUT.NLM 
*  On NetWare 5.1 servers, to run CSAVHTTP, you MUST have Novell(r)
   Servlet Gateway initialized.
*  If you receive a �1 error when Setup tries to generate the Server List, 
   install CSAV from another Windows� machine, or use SETUP.NLM. FPNADMIN
   works even if you receive the -1 error.
*  Before you uninstall Command AntiVirus for NetWare, make sure that all 
   manual and scheduled scans on the server have stopped. If you try to 
   uninstall while a scan is running, a �memory overflow� error occurs and 
   the server locks. 
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  Some customers reported that when Command AntiVirus detects
   some Trojans, the specified action to be taken, for example, 
   Rename, is taken on every file found after the Trojan even 
   if the file is not infected. This has been fixed.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.80c
31 January 2003
*  FPNAdmin does NOT work with NetWare 6.0 or NetWare 5.1 
   with Service Pack 4 servers as the primary server in the FPNAdmin
   domain. FPNAdmin locks up, and you must end the task program.
   If these are the only servers available, we recommend that
   you use FPNCon, F-Prot.Ini, or CSAV-RMA to administer the program. 
*  On NetWare 5.x servers, to run SETUP.NLM, you MUST have NWSNUT.NLM 
*  On NetWare 5.1 servers, to run CSAVHTTP, you MUST have Novell(r)
   Servlet Gateway initialized.
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  The CSAV-RMA.NLM (Remote Management) has been enhanced to allow 
   you to manage the settings on ALL of your CSAV servers not just 
   the one running the NLM.
*  Some customers reported that when Command AntiVirus is installed
   on NetWare 6 and traditional volumes are present, all files 
   scanned on those volumes are kept open, and the files are only 
   accessible as Read-only. This has been fixed.
*  Some customers reported CPU hog abends. This has been fixed.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.80
14 November 2002
*  FPNAdmin does NOT work with NetWare 6.0 or NetWare 5.1 
   with Service Pack 4 servers as the primary server in the FPNAdmin
   domain. FPNAdmin locks up, and you must end the task program.
   If these are the only servers available, we recommend that
   you use FPNCon, F-Prot.Ini, or CSAV-RMA to administer the program. 
*  On NetWare 5.x servers, to run SETUP.NLM, you MUST have NWSNUT.NLM 
*  On NetWare 5.1 servers, to run CSAVHTTP, you MUST have Novell(r)
   Servlet Gateway initialized.
*  The process for Updating The Definition Files Automatically has changed.
   As the IP address of the downloads may change, to prevent failure of
   future updates, we highly recommend that you enable DNS on the file
   server. You MUST then specify the following in your csavupdt.ini file: 
   CAUTION:  If you do NOT have DNS enabled, you MUST check the 
   Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of our web site at for the 
   CURRENT IP address. Just search the CSS ANSWERBOOK by typing ONE 
   of the following options in the SEARCH TEXT box and clicking SEARCH:
                  IP address
*  The VSENGINE has been updated in this release:
   -  Improved detection and disinfection of some viruses.
   -  Ability to name certain types of non-replicating malware
      that were previously only reported as:
      "X is a destructive program" 
      "X is a security risk or a backdoor program"
      Some of the common programs of this kind are now reported 
      with a full name, for example:
      "is a security risk named X"
   -  Total number of known viruses and trojans known to 
      Command AntiVirus is now over 72,800.
   -  Improved MIME parser that will detect particular malformed 
      MIME-encoded messages.
   -  Improved polymorphic detection for particular virus families.
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  SETUP.NLM has been updated in this release.
*  The .NWS extension has been added to the Include list.   
*  Some customers reported that when Command AntiVirus is installed,
   some high-usage servers report abends and memory corruption. 
   This has been fixed.
*  Some customers reported that when Command AntiVirus is installed,
   some servers report "illegal context switch" abends. This has
   been fixed.
*  Some customers reported that when Command AntiVirus is installed,
   some servers report "server sleeps when it is not allowed" abends. 
   This has been fixed.
*  Some customers reported that SETUP.NLM does not work. This
   has been fixed.
*  It is no longer necessary to load the IPX-SPX services on a network 
   for the deployment and updating processes of Command AntiVirus to
   work properly.
*  Some files were causing a scan to hang. This has been fixed.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.70e
30 October 2002
*  FPNAdmin does NOT work with NetWare 6.0 or NetWare 5.1 
   with Service Pack 4 servers as the primary server in the FPNAdmin
   domain. FPNAdmin locks up, and you must end the task program.
   If these are the only servers available, we recommend that
   you use FPNCon, F-Prot.Ini, or CSAV-RMA to administer the program. 
*  The VS engine has been updated in this release.
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  SETUP.NLM has been updated in this release.
*  Some customers reported that when Command AntiVirus is installed,
   some high-usage servers report abends and memory corruption. 
   This has been fixed.
*  Some customers reported that SETUP.NLM does not work. This
   has been fixed.
*  It is no longer necessary to load the IPX-SPX services on a network 
   for the deployment and updating processes of Command AntiVirus to
   work properly.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.70d
11 September 2002
*  For the deployment and updating processes of Command AntiVirus to
   work properly, the IPX-SPX services on NetWare servers MUST be
*  FPNAdmin does NOT work with NetWare 6.0 or NetWare 5.1 
   with Service Pack 4 servers as the primary server in the FPNAdmin
   domain. FPNAdmin locks up, and you must end the task program.
   If these are the only servers available, we recommend that
   you use FPNCon, F-Prot.Ini, or CSAV-RMA to administer the program. 
*  NetWare Client32 is required to run the Command AntiVirus for
   NetWare Administration program. Command AntiVirus for NetWare 
   Administration is compatible with Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 95, 
   Windows(r) 98, Windows NT(r), Windows(r)2000, and Windows(r) XP.
   NOTE: As Command AntiVirus for NetWare Administration is now a 
   32-bit application, this program does NOT run on Windows(r) 3x. 
*  The NoEA (Do not use Extended Attributes) load option has 
   been added.   
*  Command AntiVirus for NetWare no longer contains AlertTrack.
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  The ability to get certificates from any server is now available.
*  Some customers reported that the server abends anywhere from
   5 minutes to 3 hours after starting Command AntiVirus for NetWare.
   This has been fixed.
*  Some customers reported that the server abends when a scheduled
   scan starts. This has been fixed.
*  The problem reported in Version 4.70 of the .VSS and .VST
   files in the Include list truncating has been fixed.
   If you have Version 4.70 installed, you need to delete the
   F-PROT.INI file and reload. 
   CAUTION:  This also deletes all existing custom settings.
*  Some customers reported that when entering a DNS filename, the 
   server abends. This has been fixed.
*  The CSAV.rma file has been updated to show current CSAV servers. 
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.70c
05 July 2002
*  For the deployment and updating processes of Command AntiVirus to
   work properly, the IPX-SPX services on NetWare servers MUST be
*  FPNAdmin does NOT work with NetWare 6.0 or NetWare 5.1 
   with Service Pack 4 servers as the primary server in the FPNAdmin
   domain. FPNAdmin locks up, and you must end the task program.
   If these are the only servers available, we recommend that
   you use FPNCon or F-Prot.Ini to administer the program. 
*  Command AntiVirus for NetWare no longer supports Novell
   NetWare 3.1x servers.
*  Command AntiVirus for NetWare no longer creates the autoexec.fp
   file when you choose to add the line to start CSAVN in the
*  The load time option to not have the daily scan created 
   has been changed to:
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  The Command AntiVirus definition files can now be 
   updated automatically. For more information, refer
   to the CSAV for NetWare chapter of the Multi-Platform
   Quick Start Guide.
*  Command AntiVirus for NetWare now includes Remote 
   Management on NetWare 5.1 and 6.x servers. This 
   tool allows you to customize the Command AntiVirus
   settings and view current statistics using the 
   NetWare Remote Management interface.  
*  Two new NLMs have been added. They are CSAV-RMA and
   CSAV-RMA  - Starts the Command AntiVirus - Remote 
   CSAVHTTP  - Starts the automatic update process for 
               the Command AntiVirus definition files.
*  None for this release.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.70
23 April 2002
*  For the deployment and updating processes of Command AntiVirus to
   work properly, the IPX-SPX services on NetWare servers MUST be
*  FPNAdmin does NOT work with NetWare 6.0 or NetWare 5.1 
   with Service Pack 4 servers as the primary server in the FPNAdmin
   domain. FPNAdmin locks up, and you must end the task program.
   If these are the only servers available, we recommend that
   you use FPNCon or F-Prot.Ini to administer the program. 
*  Scan engine enhancements have been added to include
   Disinfection of W32/Klez.H@mm 
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  Command AntiVirus for NetWare now protects Novell NetWare 6.0. 
*  None for this release.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.65c
27 February 2002
*  For the deployment and updating processes of Command AntiVirus to
   work properly, the IPX-SPX services on NetWare servers MUST be
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  None for this release.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.65
10 January 2002
*  The System Requirements for running Command AntiVirus for 
   NetWare have changed:
   To operate Command AntiVirus for NetWare, you need an 
   IBM-compatible server with 16 MB of RAM above and beyond
   the minimum amount of RAM recommended for running Novell(r)
   Command AntiVirus for NetWare protects Novell NetWare 3.1x, 
   4.x, and 5x. Command AntiVirus for NetWare runs independently 
   of both bindery and NDS.
   NetWare Client32 is required to run the Command AntiVirus for
   NetWare Administration program. Command AntiVirus for NetWare 
   Administration is compatible with Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 95, 
   Windows(r) 98, Windows NT(r), Windows(r)2000, and Windows(r) XP.
   NOTE: As Command AntiVirus for NetWare Administration is now a 
   32-bit application, this program does NOT run on Windows(r) 3x. 
*  For the deployment and updating processes of Command AntiVirus to
   work properly, the IPX-SPX services on NetWare servers MUST be
*  You can now update the virus definition files (deffiles) from
   a workstation to a central location on each server. This 
   eliminates the need to manually unload F-PROT, copy the updated
   files to the F-PROT directory, and reload F-PROT at each server.
   To update the deffiles to a central location on a server, follow 
   these steps:
   1.  Download the deffiles update file called DEFFILES.EXE from
       our web site to a temporary directory.
   2.  Go to the temporary directory containing DEFFILES.EXE, and
       double-click the file to extract the files that are contained 
       within it.
   3.  Copy the following extracted files to the SYS:\CSAVNDEF 
       directory on the server that you are updating:          
       NOTE:  DEFFILES.EXE contains five (5) files. NetWare does NOT
              use the NOMACRO.DEF or the CSS_1740.CSV files.
       NOTE:  Command AntiVirus for NetWare checks the SYS:\CSAVNDEF 
              directory for updated deffiles approximately every hour. 
              After you install Command AntiVirus for NetWare, it 
              automatically creates the CSAVNDEF directory the first 
              time it checks for updated deffiles. If the directory 
              does not exist and you do not want to wait, you can 
              create this directory.   
       If deffiles are present in the SYS:\CSAVNDEF directory, virus 
       scanning is temporarily suspended while Command AntiVirus copies 
       the deffiles to the SYS:\SYSTEM\F-PROT directory. Virus scanning 
       resumes after the deffiles are copied.
       NOTE:  When Command AntiVirus copies the deffiles to the 
              SYS:\SYSTEM\F-PROT directory, it renames the old deffiles 
              with a .OLD extension. If there are any problems with the 
              new deffiles, Command AntiVirus uses the old deffiles by 
              renaming them to their original names. The following 
              error message is displayed at the server console:
              F-PROT: mm:dd:yyyy hh:mm:ss ERROR INITIALIZING THE SCAN 
              NOTE:  The mm:dd:yyyy represents the month, day and year.
                     The hh:mm:ss represents the time in hours, minutes 
                     and seconds.
      Command AntiVirus deletes the new deffiles from the SYS:\CSAVNDEF 
      directory after they are copied to the SYS:\SYSTEM\F-PROT directory.
*  Scan engine enhancements have been added to this release:
 -  Improved detection of "intended viruses" and corrupted
    virus samples that are frequently found in virus 
    collections but pose no credible threat. Detection 
    of these non-working files is enabled by adding a
    .* (scan all files) to the ADVANCED\GLOBAL DEFAULTS\INCLUDE LIST
    of files to be scanned in the graphical user interface (GUI).
 -  Scanning of MIME-encoded files is now supported. BASE64
    and QUOTED-PRINTABLE parts will be decoded and then scanned. 
 -  The scanning speed has been improved 
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  The following extensions have been added to the 
   extensions to be scanned.
   EML  -  Outlook Express MIME-encoded e-mail messages
   WAV  -  Windows Wave files
*  None for this release.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.62a
04 October 2001
*  For the deployment and updating processes of Command AntiVirus to
   work properly, the IPX-SPX services on NetWare servers MUST be
*  All viruses previously referred to as W95/x are now
   named W32/x. For example, W95/Nimda.A@mm is now 
   called W32/Nimda.A@mm.
   NOTE:  x represents a name variable.
*  Scan engine enhancements have been added to this release.
   It is now possible to disinfect some script viruses, 
   for example, HTML files modified by the Nimda virus.   
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
* Particular types of VBS files caused the scan engine to
  false positive. The number of false positives has been
  decreased in this release.
Notes on Command AntiVirus for NetWare (CSAV) Version 4.62
10 September 2001
*  For the deployment and updating processes of Command AntiVirus to
   work properly, the IPX-SPX services on NetWare servers MUST be
*  Scan engine enhancements have been added to this release, for 
   example, an ELF scanner has been added to cover Unix(r) viruses
   in native Unix file format. 
   The scan engine has also been enhanced to help detect some 
   corrupted (non-working) samples of the Magistr virus.  
*  New virus signatures have been added in this release.
*  It was reported that long lines caused the VBS scanner not to  
   identify some viruses precisely. Viruses were detected, but the 
   exact name of the virus was not given. This has been fixed.  
Command Software Systems' technical support includes a variety of 
electronic services. You can contact us at:
Command Software Systems, Inc.
1061 E. Indiantown Rd., Suite 500
Jupiter, FL  33477
   Voice: 561/575-3200 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
     Fax: 561/575-3026
Internet: [email protected]
In Europe contact:
Command Software Systems UK, Ltd.
Ground Floor
Millbank Tower
London SW1P 4QP
If dialing from within the UK:
   Voice: 020 7 931-9301
     Fax: 020 7 931-9302 
If dialing from outside the UK:
   Voice: +44 20 7 931-9301
     Fax: +44 20 7 931-9302
Internet: [email protected]
          [email protected]
          [email protected] 
In Pacific Rim, contact:
Command Software Systems, PTY Pac Rim
Unit 5, 18-20 Floriston Road
Boronia, VIC 3155
   Voice: 1-300-65-0903 or 613-9762-2203
     Fax: 1-300-65-0904 
Internet: [email protected]
====================================== END ======================================== 

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