README First! Command Interceptor - MAILsweeper 4.1x
MAILsweeper(tm) 4.1x
Installing the Command Interceptor(tm)
To enable Command AntiVirus protection, you must install the Command
Interceptor for MIMEsweeper(tm). These instructions can be used to install
it from the downloaded file or from the CD.
NOTE: The CD contains the Command Interceptor Administrator's Guide.
You can also download this guide from our web site at
http://www.commandcom.com/service/tc-manuals.html. The guide
provides installation instructions for installing from the
downloaded file or from the CD for all of the MAILsweeper and
WEBsweeper versions.
The INTRCEPT.PDF file contains the Command Interceptor Administrator's
Guide. This file can be read with the Adobe(r) Acrobat(r) Reader that
is included on the Command AntiVirus CD. For instructions on how to
install Acrobat Reader, see the README.TXT file that is located
in the ADOBE folder on the CD.
Acrobat Reader is not included with the downloadable versions
of Command Interceptor. You can download Acrobat Reader from
Adobe Systems Incorporated through our web site at
Before installing the Command Interceptor for MIMEsweeper, your system must:
- Be running Windows NT(r) 4 or higher with Service Pack 4
- Have Microsoft(r) Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher installed
- Have Microsoft Management Console version 1.1 installed
- Have MAILsweeper 4.1 installed on an NTFS-formatted partition
- Not have any e-mail anti-virus program installed
NOTE: To remove a previously installed e-mail anti-virus program,
use the Add/Remove Programs feature in Windows NT's
Control Panel.
If your system does not meet the above-mentioned requirements, Command
AntiVirus may not function correctly.
Adding Command AntiVirus to MAILsweeper is a two-step process.
1. Installing the Command Interceptor for MIMEsweeper.
2. Enabling the Command AntiVirus scenario.
NOTE: You can also create a Delete classification in MAILsweeper to
delete infected files that cannot be disinfected. For more
To install the Command Interceptor for MIMEsweeper, follow these steps:
1. Open the MAILsweeper for SMTP Console.
2. In TREE view, locate and click SERVICES.
3. In the left pane, select the following services:
MAILsweeper for SMTP Delivery
MAILsweeper for SMTP Receiver
MAILsweeper for SMTP Security
4. Using the right mouse button (right-click), click the selected
service(s), and on the drop-down menu, click STOP.
5. If you are installing the Command Interceptor for MIMEsweeper from:
- the downloaded file, go to Step 6.
- the CD, go to Step 8.
6. On your system's hard drive, create a temporary folder and move the
downloaded file into that folder.
7. Double-click the file. This extracts the Command Interceptor for MIMEsweeper
files. Go to Step 9.
8. Place the CD into the CD drive and change to that drive. Open the folder
called MSW4.1x. Then, open the CSAV folder within that folder.
9. Double-click the file called SETUP.EXE. The system displays the
Welcome screen.
10. Click Next. The system displays the Software License Agreement.
11. Click Yes to accept the agreement. The system displays the Start
Copying Files dialog box.
12. Click Next. The installation begins, and the system displays the
Setup Complete dialog box.
13. Click Finish.
14. On your system's hard drive, create a temporary folder.
15. If you are installing the Command Interceptor for MIMEsweeper from:
- the downloaded file, go to the temporary folder that you
created in Step 6, and copy the file called M41EXXXX to the
temporary folder that you created in Step 14.
- the CD, open the folder called MSW4.1x. Then, open the CSAV
folder within that folder. Copy the file called M41EXXXX to
the temporary folder that you created in Step 14.
NOTE: The XX represents the Command AntiVirus scan engine version
number. This number will change with each new release.
16. Double-click the file. This extracts the Command AntiVirus definition
files and scan engine.
17. Delete the file called M41EXXXX.
18. Copy all of the remaining files to the installation folder. The default is
%systemdrive%\Program Files\Common Files\Content Technology\.
19. Open the MAILsweeper for SMTP Console.
20. In TREE view, locate and click SERVICES.
21. In the left pane, select the following services:
MAILsweeper for SMTP Delivery
MAILsweeper for SMTP Receiver
MAILsweeper for SMTP Security
22. Right-click the selected service(s), and on the drop-down
menu, click START.
23. Go to "Enabling the Command AntiVirus Scenario."
To enable the Command AntiVirus scenario, follow these steps:
1. Open the MAILsweeper for SMTP Console.
2. In the left window pane, right-click SCENARIOS. The system
displays a shortcut menu.
3. Select NEW.
4. Select SCENARIO. The systems displays a menu containing the
available scenarios.
5. On the scenario menu, click COMMAND ANTIVIRUS. The system
displays the NEW SCENARIO dialog box.
6. Click NEXT. The system displays the OPTIONS dialog box.
7. Click NEXT. The system displays the FORMAT TYPES dialog box.
8. Click NEXT. The system displays the LOCATION dialog box.
9. In the LOCATION dialog box, you can accept the default
location or use the BROWSE button to select a new location.
NOTE: If you did not modify the default location during installation,
the Command AntiVirus files are copied to:
%systemdrive%\Program Files\Common Files\Content Technologies
After selecting a location, click NEXT. The system displays the
CLEAN dialog box.
10. Choose whether you want to clean (disinfect) detected viruses. If you
select "Clean the virus detected," you have the option of selecting
"Annotate cleaned message."
If you select this option, you can annotate a message in either standard
text format or in rich text format. Type the annotation in the text box.
Then, use the slider to tell the program to place the annotation at
either the start of the e-mail message or at the end of the e-mail message.
When you are finished, click NEXT.
11. Depending on the choices you made in Step 10, the systems displays one of
the following:
A. If you did NOT select "Clean the virus detected," the system displays
an INFECTED CLASSIFICATION dialog box. Select an Exclusive Classification
from the list and click NEXT. The system displays the NAME dialog box.
B. If you selected "Clean the virus detected," the system displays a CLEANED
CLASSIFICATION dialog box. Select an Exclusive Classification from the
list and click NEXT. The system displays the INFECTED CLASSIFICATION
dialog box. Select an Exclusive Classification from the list and click
NEXT. The system displays the NAME dialog box.
12. In the NAME dialog box, enter a name for the scenario that you are
creating and click NEXT. The system displays the NEW SCENARIO
dialog box.
13. Click FINISH to complete the creation of the scenario.
You can now configure the alerting mechanisms for the classifications
listed in the Classifications branch.
To configure these mechanisms, follow these steps:
1. Right-click a classification.
2. Select NEW from the shortcut menu.
3. Select NOTIFICATION. The system displays a shortcut menu with
the ALERT, INFORM, LOG, and REPLY options.
4. For details on how to configure these options, see the product's online
help or refer to the MAILsweeper for SMTP Version 4.0 Getting Started Guide.
NOTE: For the customizations to apply, you MUST stop and then start the
following services:
MAILsweeper for SMTP Delivery
MAILsweeper for SMTP Receiver
MAILsweeper for SMTP Security
This section provides instructions on how to create a classification that deletes
infected files that cannot be disinfected.
To create this classification follow these steps:
1. Open the MAILsweeper for SMTP Console.
2. In the left window pane, right-click CLASSIFICATIONS. The
system displays a shortcut menu.
3. Select NEW.
4. Click CLASSIFICATION. The system displays the
5. Follow the wizard's on-screen instructions to create
the new classification. When the system displays the NAME
dialog box, type Delete as the name for this new
NOTE: Classifications are applied in hierarchical order. After
creating the Delete classification, you can promote it in
the Classifications branch so that it is located just
beneath the Cleaned classification. To promote the Delete
classification, right-click it and then click PROMOTE. This
moves the Delete classification above the immediately preceding
classification. Repeat this process until the Delete
classification is positioned according to your preferences.
NOTE: For the Delete classification customization to apply, you MUST stop
and then start the following services:
MAILsweeper for SMTP Delivery
MAILsweeper for SMTP Receiver
MAILsweeper for SMTP Security
To keep your product's anti-virus abilities up-to-date, check Command
Software System's web site at http://www.commandcom.com/html/defupdate.html. There,
you can download the latest Command AntiVirus definition files.
To update the files, follow these steps:
NOTE: Before you update the files, you MUST stop the following services:
MAILsweeper for SMTP Delivery
MAILsweeper for SMTP Receiver
MAILsweeper for SMTP Security
1. On your system's hard drive, create a temporary folder.
2. Download the file called DEFFILES.EXE from the Command Software System's
web site to the temporary folder that you created in Step 1.
3. Double-click the file. This extracts the Command AntiVirus definition
4. Delete the file called DEFFILES.EXE.
5. Copy all of the remaining files to the installation folder. The default is
%systemdrive%\Program Files\Common Files\Content Technology\.
6. Restart the following services:
MAILsweeper for SMTP Delivery
MAILsweeper for SMTP Receiver
MAILsweeper for SMTP Security
To remove the Command Interceptor for MIMEsweeper, follow these steps:
1. Open the MAILsweeper for SMTP Console.
2. In the TREE view, locate and click SCENARIOS.
3. Delete any Command AntiVirus scenarios.
4. Close the MAILsweeper for SMTP Console.
5. Using the Add/Remove Programs feature in the Windows NT Control Panel,
remove the Command AntiVirus Scanner for MIMEsweeper.
6. Restart the following services:
MAILsweeper for SMTP Delivery
MAILsweeper for SMTP Receiver
MAILsweeper for SMTP Security
Command Software Systems' technical support includes a variety of
electronic services. You can contact us at:
Command Software Systems, Inc.
1061 E. Indiantown Rd., Suite 500
Jupiter, FL 33477
Voice: 561/575-3200 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Fax: 561/575-3026
Internet: [email protected]
FTP: ftp.commandsoftware.com
Web: http://www.commandsoftware.com
In Europe contact:
Command Software Systems UK, Ltd.
Ground Floor
Millbank Tower
London SW1P 4QP
If dialing from within the UK:
Voice: 020 7 931-9301
Fax: 020 7 931-9302
If dialing from outside the UK:
Voice: +44 20 7 931-9301
Fax: +44 20 7 931-9302
Internet: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
In Pacific Rim, contact:
Command Software Systems, PTY Pac Rim
Unit 5, 18-20 Floriston Road
Boronia, VIC 3155
Voice: 1-300-65-0903 or 613-9762-2203
Fax: 1-300-65-0904
Internet: [email protected]
Web: http://www.commandcom.com.au
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